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Consultant Training Media

Pynk Ice (Inspired Consulting Enterprises) LLC is an independent media consulting company developed to exclusively produce and distribute training material for the Cyndee Gress National Area.  Pynk Ice is not a business affiliation of Cyndee Gress or the Gress National Area.


Please place orders by emailing Pynk Ice at, or call in your order to Al Di'Meo at 973-204-8380


All major credit cards are accepted.  In addition, we accept cash, check, money order or Propay.


If mailing a check, please make it payable to Pynk Ice 2, and send it to:


218 Roseland Ave

Essex Fells, NJ 07021



Pynk Ice is required to collect sales tax for all transactions in New Jersey.  Orders shipped outside of New Jersey will not be assessed sales tax.  



Shipping will be paid for by the customer.  We are looking into special media rates through the USPS and will soon post a shipping rate schedule.



Please contact us if any product is defective, and we will replace it immediately.



Thank You!


~Your Friends at Pynk Ice

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